Baheal Medical Lands on ChiNext Board Today!

On June 30, 2021, Qingdao Baheal Medical Inc. (refer ro “Baheal Medical”, Stock Code: 301015) landed on ChiNext Board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On the first day of listing, the stock of Baheal Medicine opened at RMB 35.10 per share, up 359.42%.


Liu Shengzhen, Vice Director of Qingdao Municipal People's Congress Standing Committee, Zhang Jun, Vice Mayor of Qingdao Municipal People's Government, Bian Jianping, Vice Chairman of Qingdao Political Consultative Conference, Zhang Jie, Director of Qingdao Municipal Market Supervision Administration, Wang Jinyu, Director of Qingdao Local Financial Supervision Administration and other leaders of Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government, as well as Zhang Xinzhu, Secretary of Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Zhang Yongguo, Deputy Secretary of Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Mayor of Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and District Government, attended the ceremony.

In addition, Mrs. Fu Mingzhong, Honorary Chairman of China Pharmaceutical Business Association, Mrs. Shi Liying, President of WACD, Mr. Zhang Jun, Deputy General Manager of Dongxing Securities Co., Ltd. and other representatives from government, partner companies, intermediaries, strategic investors, financial institutions and other parties attended the ceremony together with Mr. Fu Gang, Chairman and General Manager of Baheal Medical and senior management of the company to witness the historic moment.

Under the watchful eyes of twenty-four guests attending the listing ceremony, Vice Director Liu Shengzhen, Vice Mayor Zhang Jun, Vice Chairman Bian Jianping, Secretary Zhang Xinzhu, Director Wang Jinyu and Chairman Fu Gang rang the listing bell together.



After the listing ceremony, in the presence of Qingdao Municipal Government and guests from all walks of life, Baheal Medical joined hands with strategic partners in the health industry to announce the launch of the "Health Industry Financial Innovation Incubator" and "Innovative Drug Commercialization Platform", and the unveiling of the "Large Health Industry Category Innovation Incubator" project, opening a new era of commercialization platform.
